Dr. Rogers Centers is REOPENING!!!!!
Your safety and healthcare are our top priority. The clinic will continue to operate following the safety guidelines outlined by governing agencies for the health and well being of you and our beloved staff.

Overview of COVID-19
Early January 2020, a novel coronavirus was identified as the infectious agent causing an outbreak of viral pneumonia in China, where the first cases had their symptom onset in December of 2019.
Coronaviruses are RNA viruses that are distributed broadly among humans, other mammals, and birds that cause respiratory, gastrointestinal, hepatic, and neurologic diseases. Six coronavirus species are known to cause human disease. Four of the viruses are prevalent and typically cause common cold symptoms. The two other strains are Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (SARS-COV) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-COV).
Coronaviruses are zoonotic, which means they can be transmitted between animals and people.
The current pandemic is caused by the virus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the disease is called coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
In the absence of effective treatment, efforts to control COVID-19 pandemic have relied on non-pharmaceutical interventions such a physical distancing, utilizing facemasks, following stay-at-home orders etc. Since the pathogenesis of COVID-19 is not well understood current treatment, drugs, and modalities are changing on a continual basis. The overall theme of drug therapy is to try and slow down viral replication and to find immunomodulating drugs. The WHO has started a large multiple country drug trial called Solidarity and the NIH is starting trials in the United States, as well. Because it may take up to two years to discover the treatment or an effective vaccine for COVID-19, the drugs used in these trials are all repurposed treatments such as Hydroxycholoroquine and Remdesivir. Another defense against COVID-19 is the development of herd immunity; however, whether immunity occurs among individuals after they have recovered from COVID-19 is uncertain.
There are 2 types of diagnostic tests currently being used to detect SARS-CoV-2 infection relative to symptom onset. The most commonly used test to detect the virus is the PCR test performed using nasal or throat swabs. In most symptomatic individuals, the test can detect the virus as early as day 1 of symptoms and peaks within the first week of symptom onset. The CDC currently believes that beyond day 8 there is a decline in infectivity. Therefore, the CDC recommends a “symptom-based strategy” for a person returning to work. The strategy recommends a person to have 72 hours of resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications, an improvement in respiratory symptoms, and at least 10 days have passed since the onset of symptoms. Other resources have recommended a person should return to work after 14 days since the onset of symptoms.
COVID-19 can also be detected indirectly by measuring the host immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection. The serological diagnosis is important for patients who present with mild to moderate illness and who may present late; beyond the first 2 weeks of illness onset. Serological diagnosis can also be an important tool to understand the extent of community infection and to possible identify individuals who are immune and potentially “protected’ from becoming infected.
The serological testing is more likely to be positive during the third and fourth week of illness. These tests can only indicate the presence or absence of antibodies and should not be used for diagnostic purposes. Antibodies could also have cross-reactivity with SARS-CoV and other coronaviruses. The long term persistence and duration of protection conferred by the antibodies remains unknown.
Many questions remain, particularly how long the potential immunity lasts in individuals, both asymptomatic and symptomatic, who are infected with SARS-CoV-2.
Most of the information presented is from multiple articles in JAMA and BioLab Sciences testing white paper
Starting May 11th
- Continued curbside pick-up at both locations
- Dominion clinic
- In office shots
- Redland clinic
- In office shots
- Labs by appointment
- In office visits to include:
- Annual exams
- Executive Physicals
- Well Woman Exams
- New Weight Loss Visits
- Restart Weight Loss Visits
- Blood pressure and Weight checks
Current Telemedicine Services Available Include:
- Weight Loss
- Primary Care
- Hormone Replacement Therapy
- MedSpa Consultations
- Nutrition visits
Telemedicine Visit:
- Contact Dr. Rogers Centers by phone at 210-495-2117 or by portal and request an appointment.
- The day of your appointment the staff will contact you by phone and gather your current medical history. If possible, record your current weight, blood pressure and heart rate before your appointment. Please consider taking your temperature if you are concerned about an infection.
- After the medical staff has gathered your latest medical history then please click on your provider’s link below to join their virtual waiting room.